Immediate implantation:
what is the special feature of the procedure?

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    Broke a tooth, and an important meeting is ahead? Or maybe the tooth broke a long time ago, and you are afraid of long treatment, numerous operations and complicated implantation of the implant? Then we want to please you – with the help of immediate implantation, you can remove destroyed teeth and install an implant with a temporary crown in just one hour! No complexes and speech defects during implant implantation, and therefore maximum comfort.

    We are certified specialists in the field of one-time implantation and use the best world technologies. Patients from all over the world prove our expertise, as well as conducting courses for Ukrainian and international doctors. In addition, we take on the most difficult cases and perform the procedure even with bone tissue deficiency! We guarantee pain-free healing, no swelling and an excellent aesthetic result.

    What are the advantages of express implantation?


    Immediate implantation takes place immediately after tooth extraction, and the entire procedure lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. You no longer need to wait several months for the hole of the extracted tooth to heal and face daily discomfort in the care and aesthetic appearance of your teeth. Immediately after the tooth is removed, we will replace it with an implant that will be exactly like your lost tooth.


    We use digital technologies and 3D templates in our work, thanks to which we eliminate cases of inaccurate implant installation. This is important, because 90 percent of problems with implants are related to this factor. Another feature of our clinic is that the template is modeled by the doctor who will perform the operation, not the dental technician. This guarantees the accuracy and safety of the procedure.

    Minimum number of visits

    Immediate implantation combines all surgical procedures in one step, such as tooth extraction, preservation of bone tissue and gums, and installation of a temporary crown. The procedure does not require any anesthesia, incisions, or sutures, and the next stage of treatment will be replacing the crown with a permanent one.

    Durability and Aesthetics

    The implants we use are titanium-zirconium alloy, the strongest of its kind. Temporary teeth are also reliable – they allow you to safely chew solid food without problems and fear that something will happen to them. The new tooth will be modeled just for you, because we use digital smile modeling in every job.

    You will not have any swelling after surgery

    We will provide you with an easy postoperative period, because we use a microsurgical approach in the procedure. Thys mens that even before not exfoliate the gms vgen installing implants, but perform al procedurees throug a surgical 3D guide.

    We will restore everything in one visit

    You do not need to do several operations, burden your body and stress from many surgical interventions, because we remove the tooth and install the implant in one visit.

    An important plus is that starting from the first stage of removal and implantation and ending with the replacement of the temporary crown with a permanent one, we do not cut tissues and do not apply any sutures.

    You will feel no pain

    During the installation of implants, you will not feel pain, because the procedure takes place under anesthesia or in sleep (under sedation). After the procedure, you may feel slight discomfort, but it will disappear after taking painkillers. After 1-3 days, you will not need any drugs.

    Comparing conventional tooth extraction and one-time implantation according to our protocol, patients note the absence of pain. And it’s easy to explain: after tooth extraction, we immediately fill all gaps with bone tissue and install a temporary crown. This allows you to support soft and hard tissues and prevent them from changing their contour — thereby reducing painful sensations after the procedure.

    How does immediate implantation work?

    Comprehensive examination

    At this stage, we collect information about your general state of health, chronic diseases, analyze the condition of your oral cavity, and study the anatomical features of the maxillofacial apparatus.

    To do this, we conduct photodiagnostics, computer tomography (CT) and take digital impressions.

    Removal of teeth and installation of a temporary crown.

    Before the operation, we use digital modeling, a technology that allows us to create a mock-up project of your future smile. First, in a special program, we remove your tooth, install an implant and print a 3D template. This makes it possible to reduce the time of the operation and avoid the risks of inaccurate implant placement.

    After that, we perform an atraumatic extraction of the tooth using ultrasound and dividing the tooth into several parts. Then, according to the surgical template printed on the 3D printer, we place the implant in the correct biological position.

    In the project, we take into account not only the anatomical features of the tooth that will be removed, but also possible changes in the bite, such as the inclination and wear of the adjacent teeth. Such planning is comprehensive and helps to calculate all possible treatment options in advance.
    At the same time, we make a temporary crown that will support your hard and soft tissues after the procedure. It allows you to immediately restore the aesthetic appearance and functionality of your teeth. Such a temporary tooth will perform all important functions, so you will be able to eat, speak and smile as before immediately after the operation.

    Fabrication and installation of a permanent crown.

    After that, we transfer the information about your teeth to the dental technician. He makes ceramic restorations and zirconium crowns using digital modeling and milling, which creates a precise and super strong structure of the future tooth.

    Then the dental technician takes care of the artistic part – paints the elements in depth, combines different types of paints, reproduces the transparency of your teeth and imitates their deep structures. At the same time, the specialist does not add a single layer of ceramics, and the entire process takes place inside the crown itself – this guarantees its protection against chipping.
    After 3 months, we replace the temporary crown with a permanent one without any incision or sutures. This time is enough for implantation of implants and successful osseointegration.

    Fabrication and installation of a permanent crown.

    After that, we transfer the information about your teeth to the dental technician. He makes ceramic restorations and zirconium crowns using digital modeling and milling, which creates a precise and super strong structure of the future tooth.

    Then the dental technician takes care of the artistic part – paints the elements in depth, combines different types of paints, reproduces the transparency of your teeth and imitates their deep structures. At the same time, the specialist does not add a single layer of ceramics, and the entire process takes place inside the crown itself – this guarantees its protection against chipping.
    After 3 months, we replace the temporary crown with a permanent one without any incision or sutures. This time is enough for implantation of implants and successful osseointegration.

    Are there any contraindications and limitations?

    Another feature of oimmediate implantation is the almost complete absence of contraindications. We carry out the procedure even in the absence of bone tissue, and our doctors’ knowledge of these techniques helps in this:

    • Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) is a technique that allows you to restore missing bone with the help of a bone graft. We perform it at the same time as removing the tooth, installing the implant and the temporary crown.
    • Socket Shield Technique (SST) is a microsurgical technique that allows you to save all the bone after tooth extraction by preserving the cementum of the root of the extracted tooth. This procedure is performed only if the root of the tooth is not infected.

    Fracture of a front tooth, next to which an implant was previously installed. One of the most difficult tasks for implantation, as the nutrition of such areas from bone tissue is reduced.

    Installation of the implant using the Socket Shield method. The only technique that guarantees the stability of soft tissue between 2 implants. The photo shows the left fragment of the root, which keeps the bone tissue from the inevitable loss of volume during healing.

    A temporary restoration with a biological form was made to support the gingival profile and was fixed during surgery.

    Integrated structure “bone-implant-crown”. Healing is improved through the support of soft and hard tissues by the crown and the augmentation of bone tissue and gums.

    The result 5 days after the operation. Full biological integration of the temporary structure is observed. The interdental papillae and the gingival margin are stabilized at an aesthetically important level.

    How long will these dental implants last?

    We will choose an implant for you that imitates the lost root of a tooth and will serve you for the rest of your life. With good care, its service life is unlimited.

    Problems with implants can occur due to improper hygiene, so personal care is very important after the procedure. Another reason is poor installation of implants. However, we made great efforts to exclude such situations and developed the principles of “Dobrozub regeneration”, which we follow every day in our work. We pay considerable attention to each single-moment implantation work, as this is our profile niche and the business card of our clinic.

    Below you can see the stability of the fabric and the result of the work carried out in 2016

    Tooth fracture with loss of bone plate. An extremely difficult situation for the aesthetic zone.

    5 days after implantation with bone regeneration and gum grafting.

    Tissue condition after 5 months. The stage of replacing the crown with a permanent one.

    Tissue condition 3 years after implantation.

    The ideal condition of the restored bone tissue 3 years after implantation.

    5 years after the implantation, the height and shape of the teeth were restored with the help of ceramic veneers. The condition of the gums in the area of implantation is excellent and stable.

    Our expertise

    We not only treat, but also help to treat others! Our chief doctor – Ivan Burbyga, conducts courses for dentists on complex manipulations – implantation, bone plastic and gum plastic and is a narrow specialist in the field of one-moment implantation and microsurgery.

    We publish in international dental communities and share our practice and case studies with dentists from all over the world. Our doctors are constantly developing, improving their qualifications in order to create teeth that are indistinguishable from natural ones.

    Equipment that helps create smiles

    • takes an impression and creates a digital model of the jaw;
    • minimizes implant installation errors;
    • allows to reproduce the authentic shape of the tooth even after its loss.
    • minimizes incisions;
    • helps to apply the thinnest seams;
    • reduces swelling;
    • shortens the treatment time;
    • reduces the likelihood of complications.

    According to the Dental Advisor award, we use the best materials – those that have proven effectiveness and are recognized as leaders in the dental world.

    Our important rule is not to cooperate with medical representatives who may offer discounts on low-quality implants, bone materials or components for making crowns.

    We treat with kindness

    For our entire team, treating your teeth and creating new smiles is not only our job, but also a life’s work.
    So be sure – you will get the best.

    Ivan Oleksandrovich Burbyga
    Chief physician, dentist-surgeon, implantologist, dentist-orthopedic

    Elizaveta Valeriivna Burbiga
    Dentist-surgeon, periodontologist

    We help patients from all over the world


    Fellow dentists



    We are trusted by everyone who cares about their health and appreciates the aesthetic appearance of their smile.

    Patient reviews

    To solve problems and satisfy the patient’s request, we use one-time implantation in combination with other techniques. For example, in this case, we performed classic implantation and one-time implantation simultaneously with tooth extraction, bone plastic and soft tissue plastic, as well as root canals, installation of veneers and Crystal overlays to restore bite height and tooth shape.

    As a result, we created teeth of authentic shape and length, returned to the patient a natural visualization of the edges of the teeth and got a healthy smile. We guarantee an excellent result for you too!

    Other works of our masters and reviews of our patients can be seen on our YouTube channel or in the “Cases” section of the site.


    Kyiv, Zhilyanska str., 75

    Mon-Sat — 09:00-21:00

      • Business center “Eurasia”, entrance from the facade.
      • 12 minutes from the “Vokzalna” metro station.
      • 12 minutes from the “Universitet” metro station.
      • We have convenient parking spaces and a good transport interchange.