Ivan Aleksandrovich Burbyga

Ivan Alexandrovych Burbyga
  • Dentist-surgeon-implantologist, dentist-orthopedic.
  • Ivan Aleksandrovich Burbyga is the chief physician of the “Dobrozub” clinic.
  • Work experience – 8 years.
  • He graduated from the Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy UMDA.
  • Member of ITI (International Team for Implantology)
  • Author of the course “Evolution of one-moment implantation, bone plastic and soft tissue plastic”
  • He specializes in the micro approach in surgical and orthopedic dentistry.
  • He studied with the authors of most surgical techniques.

Field of activity

  • Dental implantation;
  • Bone plastic, gum plastic;
  • Microsurgical operations, bone augmentation, gum restoration, sinus lifting;
  • Microprosthesis of teeth – veneers, linings;
  • Diagnostics of the dentition system, complete restoration of bite height.


  • “Modern periodontal and implant therapy”. The course is devoted to modern protocols for implementing a comprehensive approach to implantation, restoration and maintenance of stable gums and bone around the implant.
  • “Zero Bone Loss concepts” – the concept of zero bone loss, the essence of which is to understand the protocols for installing implants for life, without programmed complications.
  • “Periodontal microsurgery. Connective tissue grafts. Restoration of interdental papillae”. School of Japanese surgery – advanced aerobatics in microsurgery. Methods of restoration of areas previously inaccessible to treatment, such as interdental papillae.
  • “Soft tissue tactics in implantation”. The gingiva, although not obvious, is a key point in bone stability and aesthetics around implant crowns.
  • “Perio-plastic surgery of soft tissues”. The course is devoted to the topic of soft tissues on teeth and implants, analysis of types of transplants to increase the volume and quality of the gums.
  • “Surgical and orthopedic stages. Straumann’s balance of efficiency and flexibility.” The effectiveness of using the components of each system depends on understanding all the nuances, starting from the material of manufacture and ending with the subtleties of choosing orthopedic elements. All this makes it possible to carry out effective treatment on a premium class system.
  • “Immediate implant placement”. The course is devoted to the placement of an implant together with tooth extraction. The technique works in 99 percent of cases and is the standard of quality treatment today.
  • “Augmentation of bone and soft tissues. Posterior parts of the lower jaw”. The course is devoted to the restoration of the most difficult part of the oral cavity – the lateral parts of the lower jaw. Methods of vertical bone and gum growth for rehabilitation even in extreme cases.
  • “Perio-plastic surgery in express implantation”. Restoring the volume of soft tissues during one-moment implantation, making temporary restorations to maintain the contour of the gums and bone.
  • “Soft tissue modeling to increase bone volume”. The course is devoted to the intricacies of working with the gums during bone grafting of different parts of the jaws. Features of the work, allowing to reduce swelling and pain after surgery, as well as improve the parameters of the restored bone.
  • International Congress on Implantation “The Art of Implantological Treatment”. Congress dedicated to solving possible problems of the functioning of implants, exchange of experience of colleagues from different countries for the provision of qualified treatment of patients.
  • “Diagnosis of function and planning of aesthetics in total rehabilitation of patients”. Planning the restoration of masticatory function in the case of problems with height reduction, bruxism and other pathologies. Planning of the aesthetic component, starting with the joints and ending with the function of ceramic restorations in the interaction of the teeth.
  • “Digital dentistry”. This is the current reality and the norm for all types of treatment. The beginning of planning from the final result, the production of digital templates for implantation with accurate positioning and reduction of risks for the patient. Formation of the design of a new smile for a harmonious combination with the patient’s face.
  • “Plasmolifting in cosmetology and trichology”. Plasmolifting as an adjunct in gum and skin regeneration, mechanisms of action and effectiveness in dentistry.
  • “Sinus lifting”. The course is entirely devoted to complex cases of bone restoration in the area of the maxillary sinus.
  • “Sinus lifting from A to Z”. A complete analysis of all types of sinus lifting, especially the anatomy of the maxillary sinus and nasal passages for the predicted effect on bone healing and restoration.
  • “Advanced theoretical and practical course on prosthetics on Straumann dental implants”. Subtleties of working with the system, protocols for accurate transmission of information to the dental technician, and effective solutions at each stage of treatment.
  • “Bioactivation of bone tissue. Secrets of success of bone augmentation”. Bone restoration by the most predictable methods – with preservation of donor feeding sites. Classification of defects and selection of the most predictable treatment options.
  • “Methods of rehabilitation in the concept of All-on-4. Expert forum”. The non-alternative method “All on four” makes it possible to completely restore the chewing system without increasing bone tissue, and to immediately restore teeth.
  • “Application of laser technologies in dentistry”. Types of lasers and their use in dental practice, bloodless operations.
  • UAP-Ukranian Academy of Periodontology / Congress “Periodontology in Dentistry”. Periodontics as an integral part of implantation and prosthetics.
  • “Implantation in the aesthetic zone”. The most demanding area for the patient is, of course, the front teeth. Restoration protocols in aesthetically important places, without scars and maximum natural result.
  • “Life-changing photography in dental practice”. The photo protocol in dentistry is the control of each stage of treatment and the engine of progress in the quality of the procedures performed. The possibility of analyzing each clinical case is an important factor in the choice of approach in each new case.